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- Written by Super User
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- Hits: 1012
Submission guideline
- Manuscripts written in English are preferable.
- Manuscripts should more than 6.000 words and should be typed in MS Office, A4 size paper (left margin: 3 cm, right margin: 2 cm, upper margin: 2 cm, lower margin: 2 cm), using 13-point Times New Roman font, 1.2-point line space, and 6-point paragraph space.
- Manuscripts should be included with the following major sections sequentially:
- Title, author names (with academic title) and affiliations (e.g. university, organization) below the names, email address, phone number (if applicable)
- Abstract (maximum length: 250 words), keywords (maximum: 5 words)
- Main body (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings/Results, Conclusions, and Appendices)
- References should follow the APA style (Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition)
- All papers will be assessed in a blind review process. Those which are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN.
Manuscripts submitted to the AISSC 2025 should be original works and entirely written by authors. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. Besides, they should not have been previously published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Submission deadline for extended abstract or full paper: April 18th, 2025
Paper Notification of acceptance to authors: May 8th, 2025
Registration open: May 4th, 2025
Please send your abstracts and manuscripts to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For further information, please visit our website: http://www.aissc.org.vn
If you have any inquiries, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or Ms. Vo Thi Bich Tram at +84 0774552405
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Information
- Hits: 825
Kim, Junki |
Seoul University, Korea Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Nam, Sang-Woo |
KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Kwon, Huck-ju |
Seoul University, Korea Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Han Kyong University, Korea E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, America Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Information
- Hits: 1416
“Regional sustainable development” is an issue that attracts the interest of academic researchers, policy-makers, and other stakeholders. The Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Region (ISSCR) and the EM Normandie Business School and Hankyong National Univesity are organizing the fourth edition of their conference on the nexus between “Business Environment, Transformation to Green Economics, and Regional Sustainable Development” in Binh Dinh (Vietnam) on July 3rd and 4th, 2025. The conference aims to promote scientific research on sustainable growth and its implications for regional development, focusing on the role of the business environment and green economics.
1 | Focus topics |
Papers proposed could include the following topics (not limited to): - Local Governance, Business Environment, and Attractiveness - Business Environment, Green Economics, and Poverty Reduction - Green Business, Circular Economy, and Sustainability - Green Economics, Innovation, and Sustainable Growth - Business Environment, Vulnerability, and Resilience - Green Business, Leadership, and Sustainability - Business Environment, Green Supply Chain, and Sustainability - Green Ports, Green Logistics, and Sustainable Development |
2 | Round table |
A mini economic forum on “Development of Maritime Economy in Central Vietnam: Challenges and Prospects.” Participants: EM Normandie Business School, Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Region, and local agencies and managers. |
3 | Submission |
Please send an extended abstract or full manuscript to this email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or visit the following website for further information: http://aissc.org.vn/
While submitting, please specify the topic where the manuscript would be presented in case of acceptance.
Accepted Languages: Vietnamese and English |
4 | Important dates |
Submission deadline for extended abstract or full paper: April 18th, 2025 Paper Notification of acceptance to authors: May 8th, 2025 Registration open: May 4th, 2025 |
5 | Time and Venue |
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Information
- Hits: 1408
Conference Board
CASTELLANO Sylvaine | Dean of Faculty, EM Normandie Business School, France |
HOANG Hong Hiep | Director, Institute of Social Science of the Central Region, Vietnam |
NGUYEN-Huu Thanh Tam | EM Normandie Business School |
TRAN Minh Duc | Vice Director, Institute of Social Science of the Central Region, Vietnam |
LEE, Wonhee | President of HanKyong National University, Korea |
Scientific Committee
BOURDIN Sébastien | EM Normandie Business School, France |
BUI Quang Tuan | Director of Vietnam Institute of Economics, Vietnam |
CILLO Valentina | University of Rome 3, Italy |
CONDOR Roland | EM Normandie Business School, France |
DEL Giudice Manlio | Editor in Chief of Journal of Knowledge Management, Link Campus University, Italy |
DANG Xuan Thanh | Vice Director of Vietnam Academy of Social Science, Vietnam |
ESTAY Christophe | Research and Academic Director, FERRANDI Paris, France |
FARINA Briamonte Massimiliano | University of Rome 3, Italy |
FIANO Fabio | Link Campus University, Italy |
LAMOTTE Olivier | EM Normandie Business School, France |
JUTEAU Solène | EM Normandie Business School, France |
LARÉ Amandine | Head of Economics, Territories and Sustainable Development Department, EM Normandie Business School, France |
LE Quoc Hoi | Editor in Chief of Journal of Economics and Development, National Economics University, Vietnam |
LE Van Cuong | Associate Editor of Journal of Public Economics Theory, CNRS, Paris School of Economics, France |
LE Van Hung | Vice Director of the Institute of Regional Sustainable Development, Vietnam |
LUONG Tinh | Institute of Social Science of the Central Region, Vietnam |
NAM Sang-Woo | KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea |
NGUYEN Truong Son | The University of Da Nang - University of Economics, Vietnam |
NGUYEN Van Phu | Paris Nanterre University, France |
PALLADINO Rosa | IUL Digital University, Italy |
PAPA Armando | University of Salerno, Italy |
PARK Jin | KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea |
PHAM Hoang Van | Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, United States |
PHAM Si An | Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam |
PHAM Thi Kim Cuong | Paris Nanterre University, France |
PHAN Thi Song Thuong | Institute of Social Science of the Central Region, Vietnam |
RIEBER Arsène | University of Rouen Normandy, France |
TRAN Nam Binh | University of New South Wales, Australia |
TRAN Thi Anh-Dao | University of Rouen Normandy, France |
TRINH Thi Thu | Institute of Social Science of the Central Region, Vietnam |
VENKATESH V.G | EM Normandie Business School, France |
VU Bang Tam | University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, America |
WON Hee Lee | Han Kyong University, Korea |
Local organization committee
HOANG Hong Hiep |
TRAN Minh Duc |
TRAN Thi Thuy Duong |
BUI Nguyen Hoa |
VO Hoang Phi |
LE Xuan Thong |
TRINH Thi Thu |
PHAN Thi Song Thuong |
LUONG Tinh |
TONG Thi Hai Hanh |
NONG Thi Dieu |
VO Thi Bich Tram |
NGUYEN Hoang Yen |